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VIRTUAL MEETING: "Everything is Acoustics" by Dr. Maureen Stone

Mon, Feb 07


ZOOM link will be provided

The Club welcomes Dr. Maureen Stone as the guest speaker at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, February 7 via ZOOM. Dr. Stone recently chaired the international convention of the Acoustical Society of America. She will share information about the meaning of acoustics and how acoustics affects our lives.

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Time & Location

Feb 07, 2022, 11:30 AM EST

ZOOM link will be provided

About the event

University Park Woman’s Club welcomes Dr. Maureen Stone as the guest speaker at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, February 7, via ZOOM. Dr. Stone recently chaired the international convention of the Acoustical Society of America. She will share information about the meaning of acoustics and how acoustics affects our lives.

Maureen is the current president of the Acoustical Society of America ( She joined the ASA as a student and has been active ever since. She spent her career in research and teaching at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Johns Hopkins, and at UMB where she is currently Professor Emeritus. Her research has focused on the motor control of the human tongue and how its extraordinary deformations shape the vocal tract to create the sounds of speech. Try talking without moving your tongue!

Acoustics are found in every aspect of our lives. Too much noise in that classroom? Is that singer too loud or too soft? Have you ever had an ultrasound? Is that bridge vibrating? How is your hearing? All these and more have to do with sound.

This presentation will include three things. First, the remarkable ways that acoustics impacts all our lives. Second, how the tongue affects speech. Third, the excitement of running a volunteer organization of 7000 members with widely varied interests.

Please join us for this fascinating and interesting topic presented by the current President of the Acoustical Society of America and our neighbor, Dr. Maureen Stone. The Zoom link will be sent to members several days before the virtual meeting.

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The University Park Woman's Club Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization | Member of GFWC


UPWC  |  P.O. Box 222  |  Riverdale, MD 20738-0222  |

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